GRASP Holiday Greetings: Bulindi Chimpanzees
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Bulindi Chimpanzees
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GRASP Holiday Greetings: Bulindi Chimpanzees
Bonnie, a female Sumatran-Bornean hybrid orangutan who was born in captivity and arrived in 1980 to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., USA, turned 38 years of age this week. Bonnie made headlines in 2008 when she taught herself how to whistle, without any human coaching.(Photo courtesy Max Block). For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: JGI-Chimpanzee Eden
The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) passed a resolution calling on all member institutions to support the legal, sustainable, and ethical sourcing of animals at the 69th WAZA Annual Conference in New Delhi, India, in November. The resolution condemns any illegal activities in wildlife trade, recognizing the “significant..and detrimental economic, social and environmental
consequences.” For more, visit
On Dec. 26, 1985, Dr. Dian Fossey was murdered in her cabin at Karisoke in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. Her passion and dedication to saving Mountain gorillas are an inspiration to so many, and her important work continues through the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International. For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: HELP-Congo
GRASP Holiday Greetings: ProFauna Indonesia
GRASP Holiday Greetings: The Orangutan Project
GRASP Holiday Greetings: ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (WEN)
GRASP Holiday Greetings: International Animal Rescue (IAR)
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Gorilla Doctors
Regis, a male chimpanzee who was born into bio-medical research and spent xx years at the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP) in New York before being rescued by the Fauna Foundation sanctuary in Canada in 1997, turned 26 years of age this week. Regis is relatively thin and weak as an adult after having starved himself as a youngster, and battles with diabetes. For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: The Center for Great Apes
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre
Could the recent Argentine legal ruling that granted basic human rights to an orangutan at a Buenos Aires zoo ultimately come to impact all zoos? For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Kahuzi-Biega National Park
GRASP Holiday Geetings: Fernan-Vaz Gorilla Project
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Jeunes Animaux Confisqués au Katanga (JACK) sanctuary
Cayenne, a female chimpanzee who is believed to have been born in a US biomedical research facility and at one point endured at least 320 “knockdowns” and 40 liver biopsies over a 12-year period, turned 32 years old this week. Cayenne was rescued by the Save the Chimps sanctuary in Florida, USA, in 2002, and lives happily in a small family with Plum, Indie and Ridge, a “special needs’ chimpanzee. For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: UN Environment Programme (UNEP) - Environmental Education and Training Unit (EETU)
Melati, a female Sumatran-Bornean hybrid orangutan at the Woodland Park Zoo in Washington, USA, celebrated her 43rd birthday this week. Easily recognized by the three fingers missing on her left hand following an accident, Melati was born at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. and is the mother of 2. For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Primate Education Network (PEN)
GRASP Holiday Greetings: In Defense of Animals - Africa (Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Centre)
Conan, a 28-year old chimpanzee who was among the alpha males at the Chimp Haven sanctuary in Louisiana, USA, was euthanized this week after veterinarians determined his degenerative hip condition would diminish his quality of life and add undue stress to his group. Despite having undergone a vasectomy, Conan somehow produced three offspring at Chimp Haven since 2007. For more, visit
Noel, the infant male chimpanzee who was confiscated from 2 illegal traders in Guinea days before Christmas, is rapidly recovering his strength and health at the Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzes sanctuary. For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzes
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Bulindi Chimpanzees
An adult female orangutan who is so shy that she often hides beneath blankets to avoid public view at a Buenos Aires zoo has been granted some basic legal rights previously reserved for humans by an Argentine court. Sandra, who was born in a German zoo in 1986 and transferred to her current zoo 8 years later, could now be relocated to the Great Ape Project (GAP) – Brazil sanctuary. For more, visit
On Dec. 26, 1985, Dr. Dian Fossey was murdered in her cabin at Karisoke in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. Her passion and dedication to saving Mountain gorillas are an inspiration to so many, and her important work continues through the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International. For more, visit
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP)
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Limbe Wildlife Centre
GRASP Holiday Greetings: International Animal Rescue (IAR)
GRASP Holiday Greetings: The Center for Great Apes
An illegal trader who attempted to sell a young male chimpanzee was arrested this week in Conakry following a joint operation between Interpol and Projet GALF (Guinee Appui a l’Application de la Loi Faunique). The chimpanzee – who is estimated to be 2 years of age – will be transferred to the Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzes sanctuary in Guinea. For more, visit
Happy Birthday to GRASP Ambassador Richard Leakey, who turned 70 this week, and continues to campaign for the protection of wildlife and wild spaces.
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Vervet Monkey Foundation
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre
GRASP Holiday Greetings: British Zoological Society
GRASP Holiday Geetings: Fernan-Vaz Gorilla Project
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Jeunes Animaux Confisqués au Katanga (JACK) sanctuary
#GreatApeMoment ‘Eating, you’re doing it right’ A young orangutan named Anthony indulges in delicious watermelon. Photo by BOSFoundation
GRASP Holiday Greetings: Primate Education Network (PEN)
The last holdout among big palm oil businesses joins no-deforestation pledge: Read more